ZEI Insights

"ZEI Insights" provide commentary and critical analysis on governance and regulation developments related to the ten priorities of the European Commission and its interplay with the European Parliament and the European Council.
Authors of "ZEI Insights" are ZEI Scholars, Master of European Studies Fellows and Alumni.
No. 63 - 2019 - Moving forward to a circular economy - turning the challenge into opportunity - Daniela Stoycheva (Download2)
No. 62 - 2019 - A fairy tale: How robust are the EFSI success numbers? - Jessica Gaitskell (Download3)
No. 47 - 2017 - Erasmus +: Countering populism through education - Sarah Gansen (Download4)
No. 42 - 2016 - The EIB and European Cohesion Policy: An effective trade-off between growth and convergence? - Malin Berg von Linde (Download5)
No. 41 - 2016 - Skills mismatches in the EU: A perpetual impasse? - Marvin Cuschieri (Download6)
No. 33 - 2015 - The Investment Plan for Europe – high political stakes - Matthieu Bertrand (Download7)
No. 25 - 2015 - Is the Juncker plan an appropriate answer to the European Investment gap? A Literature Review - Tobias Buchmann (Download8)
No. 05 - 2015 - Juncker's proposal for "a new boost for jobs, growth and investment" - between high expectations and real action - Dieter Konold und Martin Zimmek (Download9)
No. 54 - 2018 - The EU's Novel Data Protection Regulation: Changing the Face of the Internet - Michael Amoah Awuah (Download10)
No. 46 - 2017 - Data Access: Optimizing the Policy Framework for a European Data Economy - Sanni Kunnas (Download11)
No. 21 - 2015 - Data Protection Reform: Strengthening individuals’ rights in the digital era - Pagona Tsormpatzoudi (Download12)
No. 18 - 2015 - Governance challenges on the path to a Digital Single Market - Caleb Fagade (Download13)
No. 13 - 2015 - Digital Harmonization: Unlocking the untapped potential of the European Single Market - Dennis Flück (Download14)
No. 09 - 2015 - A long road to an ambitious goal: The Digital Single Market - David Muschiol (Download15)
No. 49 - 2017 - EU@60 – Domestic Climate and Energy Possibilities for Securing Europe’s Energy Future - Michael Amoah Awuah (Download1616)
No. 37 - 2016 - The EU Commission’s Energy Security Package: A Challenge To Russia’s Gas Dominance? - Robert Stüwe (Download1717)
No. 16 - 2015 - New Commission brings new energy policy approach - Nikola Veselinovic (Download18)
No. 12 - 2015 - Post-Lima headaches: Which role for the EU heading towards Paris? - Rike Sohn (Download1918)
No. 03 - 2014 - It was the best of times, it was the worst of times - Opportunities and Challenges of European Energy and Climate Policy - Christina Wunder (Download2020)
No. 56 - 2018 - Towards a Fairer EU Food Supply Chain: Harmonising the Legal Framework - Micol Visciano (Download21)
No. 50 - 2017 - The European Union Space Strategy: A Science Diplomacy Perspective - Elif Özkaragöz Doğan (Download22)
No. 38 - 2016 - Brexit: What is at stake for the Single Market - Sarah Gansen (Download23)
No. 30 - 2015 - The Myths and Realities of EU Labour Mobility - Sally Brammer (Download24)
No. 26 - 2015 - New Strategy for Completing the Single Market: A New Chance? - Robert Stüwe (Download25)
No. 08 - 2014 - Policy objectives for the internal market - Balázs Kubinszky (Download26)
No. 64 - 2019 - Difficulties of Enhancing the Eurozone’s Democratic Accountability – the Status of the European Commission’s Proposals - Maja Kluger-Dionigi (Download27)
No. 58 - 2018 - Eurozone Reform - a View from China - Jiang Yunfei (Download28)
No. 52 - 2017 - EMU Reform: What is the Road ahead? - Malin Berg von Linde (Download29)
No. 29 - 2015 - The Crisis Management of Central Banks - Dennis Flück (Download30)
No. 15 - 2015 - What challenges lie ahead of the new Vice-President for the Euro and Social Dialogue - Saša Mester (Download31)
No. 14 - 2015 - A Social Euro and Economic Dialogue: Conflicting Aims - Carla Manzanas (Download32)
No. 10 - 2015 - Juncker’s Priorities: A Deeper and Fairer Economic and Monetary Union - Volker Nitsch (Download33)
No. 47 - 2017 - Rising Protectionism and the Future of EU-US Trade - Adam Ryckaert (Download4)
No. 44 - 2016 - Trump and TTIP: Consequences for TTIP after the US elections - Adam Ryckaert (Download34)
No. 35 - 2016 - When data travels - The Commission’s objective of making EU data protection travel across the Atlantic - Robbert Jaspers (Download35)
No. 32 - 2015 - TTIP: the American Debate - Adam Ryckaert (Download36)
No. 22 - 2015 - Rewriting the rules: the consequences of TTIP on global trade - Matteo Scotto (Download37)
No. 04 - 2014 - Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: private property or common destiny - Matteo Scotto (Download38)
No. 65 - 2019 - Cybersecurity at EU and national level – the expansion of economic policy - Jan-David Blaese (Download39)
No. 59 - 2018 - Securing the Ever-Closer Union: Supranational Policy Entrepreneurship in Counter-Terrorism and Implications for the European Arrest Warrant - Patrick Tonissen (Download40)
No. 53 - 2018 - Integrating the Western Balkans: the Rule of Law Challenge - Dr. Taulant Hasa (Download41)
No. 34 - 2016 - A new direction in the EU’s fight against terrorism? - Katharina Boldt (Download42)
No. 28 - 2015 - The European Agenda on Security: Protection of what? A literature review - Matthias Vogl (Download43)
No. 07 - 2014 - Survey of recent developments and academic discussion: Justice and Fundamental Rights - Henri de Waele (Download44)
No. 60 - 2018 - Migration Governance and the Unfinished Business of the CEAS - Liska Wittenberg (Download45)
No. 45 - 2016 - The EU and the Burden of Refugee Resettlement - Ignatius Oli (Download46)
No. 31 - 2015 - Irregular Migration in the Mediterranean - Sabine Klasen (Download47)
No. 19 - 2015 - Time for a Euro-Mediterranean Migration Policy - Stephen Calleya (Download48)
No. 06 - 2014 - EU Migration Policy: Striking a balance - Mariyana Radeva Berket (Download49)
No. 57 - 2018 - Member States' Momentum To Make Europe a Stronger Global Actor - Andreas Marchetti (Download50)
No. 55 - 2018 - Playing the Role of a Strong Global Actor on the Regional Stage - Nicole Ayo von Thun (Download51)
No. 43 - 2016 - How has the EU reacted to the Rise of China? An Analysis of the EU’s New Strategy on China - Wilson Chou (Download52)
No. 39 - 2016 - The Global Strategy for the European Union’s Foreign and Security Policy: A new framework for a more connected, contested and complex world? - Ilva Ifland (Download53)
No. 27 - 2015 - The importance of the German-Turkish Relationship - Sabine Klasen (Download54)
No. 20 - 2015 - Stronger CFSP: the big un-kept promise of the European integration process? - Julija Vitanova (Download55)
No. 11 - 2015 - Travelling at the “speed of light”? Challenges for the European Common Foreign and Security Policy - Matthias Vogl (Download56)
No. 02 - 2014 - How the EU can deal with chaos on its borders - new Commission should strive to eliminate its own job - Ludger Kühnhardt (Download57)
No. 61 - 2018 - The Challenge of Introducing a Mandatory Lobbying Register - Katarzyna Nowicka (Download58)
No. 51 - 2017 - One goal – two ways: Testing the feasibility of Macron and Juncker’s EU visions - Robert Stüwe und Thomas Panayotopoulos (Download59)
No. 40 - 2016 - Managing the Forces of European Populism: The next election to the European Parliament in May 2019 may become the first pan-European referendum - Ludger Kühnhardt (Original published in: The Globalist, July 19, 2016, www.theglobalist.com/managing-the-forces-of-european-populism6021) (Download61)
No. 36 - 2016 - EU Institutional Governance: Exploiting the Potential for Democratic Reform - Henri de Waele (Download62)
No. 24 - 2015 - An EU Transparency Register in Progress - Velyana Topalova (Download63)
No. 23 - 2015 - In pursuit of Better Regulation - Sally Brammer und Thomas Panayotopoulos (Download64)
No. 17 - 2015 - Governance challenges towards better regulation and transparency - Maria Kapiniaris (Download65)
No. 01 - 2014 - Not a pack of bureaucrats: The new European Commission - Sally Brammer (Download66)