ZEI Publications
The ZEI Directors regularly publish books and articles in which various issues concerning governance and regulation in the EU are examined.
Latest Publications
Schriften des ZEI 87
The von der Leyen Commission. Geopolitical Commission under the Pressure of Crises (2019-2024) - Henrik Suder / Liska Wittenberg
When she took office, Ursula von der Leyen identified six strategic priorities, within which the Commission initiated its political agenda and numerous legislative projects. However, the past five years have been marked by numerous crises that have brought with them unprecedented challenges. The Commission had to deal with numerous crises without losing sight of its original ambitions. In this anthology, a research team from the Center for European Integration Studies assessed whether the Commission under der Leyen was able to overcome the crises while successfully implementing its work programs.
ZEI Discussion Paper C 286 / 2024
Europäische Integration aus historischer Erfahrung. Ein Zeitzeugengespräch mit Michael Gehler - Walter Hallstein
This interview takes place within the framework of the contemporary witness interviews "European Integration from Historical Experience", which attempts to record all former commissioners from Germany in interview form. In the case of already deceased commissioners, the conversations were reconstructed retrospectively on the basis of their contemporary interviews, publications, writings and works. In the footnotes to the answers, the year of the statement is given in brackets, so that a historical classification is possible. The answers have been taken over tel quel as they were in the original.
ZEI Discussion Paper C 285 / 2024
Europäische Integration aus historischer Erfahrung. Ein Zeitzeugengespräch mit Michael Gehler - Martin Bangemann
This interview takes place within the framework of the contemporary witness interviews "European Integration from Historical Experience", which attempts to record all former commissioners from Germany in interview form. In the case of already deceased commissioners, the conversations were reconstructed retrospectively on the basis of their contemporary interviews, publications, writings and works. In the footnotes to the answers, the year of the statement is given in brackets, so that a historical classification is possible. The answers have been taken over tel quel as they were in the original.
ZEI FEO Vol. 12 No. 2 2024
United in Diversity - Resilient and Consistent Way of Life - Henrik Suder & Liska Wittenberg
In this final issue of the Future of Europe Obsever, ZEI and its research network takes a final look at one of the six substantive priorities of the von der Leyen Commission as part of the research project „Governance and Regulation in the EU“. Before a full assessment of the von der Leyen administration‘s term of office is published in September, this issue looks at the „European way of life“, what constitutes it, what threatens it and how the Commission has tried to shape it politically over the past five years. In addition to an outlook on the upcoming European elections and the concept of European identity, the topics of migration, health and security, which were at the centre of the Commission‘s priorities, are discussed.
ZEI Series
Future of Europe Observer
The “ZEI Future of Europe Observer” accompanies European politics with analysis and projections. The “ZEI Future of Europe Observer” is published three times a year and each issue focuses on a specific aspect of European governance and regulation. Authors are ZEI Scholars, Master of European Studies Fellows and Alumni.
ZEI Discussion Paper
"ZEI Discussion Paper’s” stimulate discussion among researchers, practitioners and policy makers on current and emerging issues of European integration and Europe’s global role. They express the personal opinion of the authors. The papers often reflect on-going research projects at ZEI. "ZEI Discussion Paper’s" are published several times a year.
Schriften des ZEI
ZEI Director Professor Ludger Kühnhardt is editor of the "Schriften des Zentrum für Europäische Integrationsforschung“ with Nomos Publisher in Baden-Baden, the leading German publishing house on European topics in political science. The series deals with basic questions concerning the European integration and Europe's global role.

Journals on European Competition Law
ZEI Director Professor Christian Koenig is co-editor of several highly acclaimed jurisprudential journals.

Publications of Ludger Kühnhardt
Impulsgeber zwischen Wissenschaft, Politik und Publizistik. Eine Werkbiographie. Vol. 1, Wiesbaden: Springer VS Verlag, 2023.; Das politische Denken der Europäischen Union. Supranational und zukunftsoffen, Paderborn: Brill Fink, 2022.

The Art of Regulation
Christian Koenig / Bernhard von Wendland: The Art of Regulation. Competition in Europe - Wealth and Wariness, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2017.

Verknüpfte Welten
Ludger Kühnhardt: Verknüpfte Welten. Notizen aus 235 Ländern und Territorien. Band 1: 1960-1999, Band 2: 2000-2020, Wiesbaden: Springer 2022.
Further information
ZEI at 25
For 25 years, ZEI combines transdisciplinary research and education in regional integration. Download our work report and the brochure describing the contribution of ZEI's Master in European Studies in opening doors for alumni worldwide.
Press review
The Pressespiegel (press review) documents the presence of ZEI and its staff in print media.
ZEI Annual Reports
The “ZEI Annual Reports” have been documenting the work of the Center for European Integration Studies since 1996. Their aim is to inform about the Center’s research projects and activities, publications and staff.