Hannah Döding
Hannah Döding studied Law and Economics at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn and subsequently passed the First State Examination in Law.
Since 2023, she has been a research assistant and doctoral candidate at the Center for European Integration Studies at the chair of Prof. Dr. Christian Koenig.
Her research focuses on German and European regulatory law of network industries, antitrust law and competition law.

Research Fellow
+49-(0)228 / 73-
- Döding/Günther/Sacher, Der Gigabit Infrastructure Act - neue Investitions- und Ausbauanreize zur Deckung des wachsenden Konnektivitätsbedarfs in der EU? (Part 2), IR 9/2023, S. 202-205.
- Döding/Günther/Sacher, Der Gigabit Infrastructure Act - neue Investitions- und Ausbauanreize zur Deckung des wachsenden Konnektivitätsbedarfs in der EU? (Part 1), IR 8/2023, S. 174-177.
- Döding/Mezey, New Rules of Conduct under the DMA - Who are the „Gatekeepers“ to Digital Markets?, ZEI Future of Europe Observer Vol. 10 No. 3 October 2022, p. 6-7.