04. June 2024

ZEI Future of Europe Observer Vol. 12 No. 2/2024 ZEI Future of Europe Observer Vol. 12 No. 2/2024

United in Diversity - Resilient and Consistent Way of Life - Henrik Suder & Liska Wittenberg

ZEI FEO 12 2 2024
ZEI FEO 12 2 2024 © ZEI
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In this final issue of the Future of Europe Obsever, ZEI and its research network takes a final look at one of the six substantive priorities of the von der Leyen Commission as part of the research project „Governance and Regulation in the EU“. Before a full assessment of the von der Leyen administration‘s term of office is published in September, this issue looks at the „European way of life“, what constitutes it, what threatens it and how the Commission has tried to shape it politically over the past five years. In addition to an outlook on the upcoming European elections and the concept of European identity, the topics of migration, health and security, which were at the centre of the Commission‘s priorities, are discussed.


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