18. January 2024

ZEI Discussion Papers C281 and C282 ZEI Discussion Papers C281 and C282

"Hans-Peter Schwarz (1934-2017). Politik und Zeitkritik" by Ludger Kühnhardt and "Africa – EU Relations: The evolution of an agenda of partnership" by Dušan Brujić

ZEI Discussion Papers C281 and C282
ZEI Discussion Papers C281 and C282 © ZEI
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ZEI Discussion Paper C 281 / 2024

Hans-Peter Schwarz (1934-2017). Politik und Zeitkritik -  Ludger Kühnhardt

Hans-Peter Schwarz was the leading biographer of the Federal Republic of Germany. With his studies on the re-organization of Germany after the Second World War and his biographies on Konrad Adenauer and Helmut Kohl, he accompanied contemporary history and wrote political cultural history himself. The long-time professor of political science and contemporary history at the University of Bonn was a profiled, often uncomfortable critic of politics and public debate. On the ninetieth birthday of Hans-Peter Schwarz, who passed away in 2017, ZEI Director Professor Ludger Kühnhardt is remembering important milestones in the work of Hans-Peter Schwarz, supplemented by personal impressions and memories.


ZEI Discussion Paper C 282 / 2024

Africa – EU Relations: The evolution of an agenda of partnership -  Dušan Brujić

This paper gives an overview of the evolution of the Africa-EU Partnership and its priorities between the years 2000 and 2022. It delves into the complex and dynamic relations between the two partners, whilst exploring historical and geographical aspects, inherited traits and common strategies. From the period known for strong paternalism there is a shift to a more equal partnership. The paper focuses especially on most debated issues over time, including migration, green energy and climate change and offers different perspectives. The researcher explains the reasons behind their growing relevance and reflects on main takeaways ahead of the forthcoming 2024 AU-EU Summit.


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