Political scientist Ludger Kühnhardt has remained in conversation with his doctoral students for three decades. During regular, legendary seminars between former and current doctoral students, the academic exchange of ideas was combined with personal encounters. The “Freiburg Political Dialogues” and “Bonn European Colloquia” found their logistical home in the Münstertal (Black Forest). The seminars were made possible by the Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Stiftung's funding initiative “Dialogue between young science and practice”. The keynote speeches of these seminars - initially given by external speakers, later presented exclusively by former and current doctoral students - are documented in this volume. „Im Gesrpäch bleiben“ (“Staying in conversation”) shows how the academic learning community can stay alive beyond the formal time of studies and how an alumni network can remain productive. The volume concludes with a farewell lecture of Ludger Kühnhardt reflecting on his work as university professor in more than three decades.
New Publication "Im Gespräch bleiben: Politische Wissenschaft und berufliche Praxis" "Im Gespräch bleiben: Politische Wissenschaft und berufliche Praxis"
Im Gespräch bleiben: Politische Wissenschaft und berufliche Praxis. Freiburger Politikdialog – Bonner Europakolloquium (1994-2023) by Ludger Kühnhardt (ed.), Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag 2023

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