Research: Governance and Regulation in the EU
ZEI offers forward-looking research on unresolved issues of European integration and the global role of Europe. ZEI's research and teaching focus on "Governance and Regulation in the EU" brings together two aspects whose critical interplay shapes the EU: The impact of the European Union on the lives of citizens and the role of the EU in the world. Transdisciplinary perspectives on the important relationship between governance and regulation thereby offer more insight and clarity into the increasingly complex process of European integration.
The ZEI Monitor tracks the implementation of the European Commission's annual work programmes. It provides researchers and professionals with a research tool to continuously analyse the legislation of the EU institutions subject to the ordinary legislative procedure. It is based on the six work priorities formulated by EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen for the 2019-2024 term and builds on ZEI's previous work on the Juncker Commission between 2014 and 2019.
Our monitoring is based on the Commission's annual work programmes and the annual Joint Declaration, in which the European Parliament adds to or deletes from the Commission's proposals.
In the monitoring process, every legislative and non-legislative proposal of the Commission is included in the ZEI Monitor and observed with regard to the processing status. The work structure is oriented towards the subject-specific priorities of the Commission. As soon as initiative proposals or adopted directives, regulations or action plans are available, they are provided in the Monitor with a brief classification of their content as well as information on the processing status. In order to clearly illustrate the processing status of the individual initiatives in the European legislative procedure, the Monitor works with a traffic light system, whereby red signals that the initiative proposal has not yet been submitted; yellow stands for an ongoing ordinary legislative procedure and the blue EU flag marks that the legislative procedure has been completed or that a non-legislative proposal has been published.
Complementing the Monitor is the "Future of Europe Observer", ZEI's academic magazine, which takes stock of the implementation of the Commission's work programme on an annual basis. In addition, the Monitor is accompanied by ZEI Discussion Papers in the field of governance and regulation, which deal specifically with selected topics of EU research and offer more in-depth analyses.
The ZEI Monitor's ongoing monitoring of the European Commission's work culminates in a final evaluation in the form of an anthology, so that the entire legislative period can be subjected to a comprehensive analysis. This process was started with the Juncker Commission 2015-2019 and is currently being continued for the Von der Leyen Commission 2019-2024.

Proposal (legislative / non-legislative) not tabled yet
Ongoing ordinary legislative procedure
Legislative procedure completed / non-legislative proposal published
EU State Aid and Competition Law
Competition Law is essential in support of the legal order which the EU stands for. ZEI research in this field focuses on European competition law and state aid law. A continuous interplay between theory and practice defines research at ZEI.
EU Glossary
ZEI provides regularly updated information on relevant EU actors, on the timetable of European politics and on the legal sources of the European Union and its institutions. The continually updated information and data serve as an information resource and contribute to a better understanding of the critical factors of governance and regulation in the EU.
700 +
Transdisciplinary Research Projects
Completed Doctoral Theses
International Visiting Scholars

ZEI at 25 Transdisciplinary work 1995 - 2020
For 25 years, the Center for European Integration Studies (ZEI) has contributed solutions towards the unresolved problems of European integration. This comprehensive documentation prepared for the 25th anniversary, gives testimony to the research results of ZEI in the field of regional integration. ZEI is a forerunner in the development of transdisciplinary research and education, today and in the future promoted by Bonn University in many research areas.