Defence cooperation
Synergies in defence procurement
Establishment of a permanent EU task force
European Neighbourhood Policy
Ensuring peace and stability
Ongoing enlargement negotiations
Multi-Annual Financial Framework 2021-2027

- Proposal for a Regulation establishing, as part of the Integrated Border Management Fund, the instrument for financial support for customs control equipment
- Proposal for a Regulation establishing the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument
- Proposal for a Council Decision on the Association of the Overseas Countries and Territories with the European Union including relations between the European Union on the one hand, and Greenland and the
Kingdom of Denmark on the other ('Overseas Association Decision') - Proposal for a Council Regulation establishing a European Instrument for Nuclear Safety complementing the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument on the basis of
the Euratom Treaty - Proposal for a Regulation establishing the Instrument for Preaccession Assistance (IPA III)
Global Strategy

On the 14th of June 2018, the European Commission proposed to increase the external action budget by 30 per cent from 94.5 billion euro in the period 2014-2020 to 123 billion euro from 2021-2027. (More)
The newly proposed instruments for EU external action include:
- Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI) with 89.2 billion euro;
- A new European Instrument for Nuclear Safety worth 300 million euro;
- The Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA III) worth 14.5 billion euro;
- The humanitarian aid instrument worth 11 billion euro;
- The Common Foreign and Security budget worth 3 billion euro;
- Cooperation with 13 overseas countries and territories including Greenland worth 500 million euro.
Enlargement perspective

- On the 17th of May 2018, the President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker, the EU heads of state and governments and the Western Balkans leaders agreed on the "Sofia Declaration", which confirms the accession perspective of the region and sets out a number of concrete actions to strengthen cooperation in connectivity, security and the rule of law. The EU will provide grants for additional 11 high-priority transport projects (road, rail, ports) worth 190 million euro. In order to develop the new Digital Agenda for the Western Balkans, the EU has earmarked 30 million euro for investments in broadband rollouts across the region. Furthermore, the Commission will increase its support for youth and education, in particular by doubling the funding for Erasmus+ for the region and by launching a pilot project for mobility in vocational education and training. (More)
- On the 17th of April 2018, the European Commission published a Communication which takes stock of the state of implementation in the field of enlargement policy by the end of January 2018 plus seven reports for the respective candidate countries. (More)
- On the 6th of February 2018, the European Commission adopted its Strategy for the Western Balkans ("A credible enlargement perspective for and enhanced EU engagement with the Western Balkans") and announced an Action Plan of six flagship initiatives - specific actions that the EU will take over the next years to support the transformation efforts of the Western Balkans in areas of mutual interest. These range from initiatives to strengthen the rule of law, reinforced cooperation on security and migration through joint investigating teams and the European Border and coast guard, expanding the EU Energy Union to the Western Balkans or lowering roaming charges and rolling out broadband in the region. The Strategy also underlines the need for the EU to be prepared to welcome new members once they have met the criteria. (More)
Implementation of the European Defence Action Plan (from 2016/17)

On the 13th of June 2018, the European Commission submitted a Proposal for a Regulation establishing the European Defense Fund under the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027. The Fund seeks to launch cooperation programmes that would not be possible without an EU contribution and aims to support research and development activities. It should provide the necessary incentives to promote cooperation at every stage of the industrial cycle, thereby contributing to the strategic autonomy of the EU. The proposed act should apply from 1 January 2021.
Common Foreign Policy

Defence sector

On the 7th of June 2017, the European Commission initiated the debate on how to build a security and defence union with a reflection paper. It comprises three possible scenarios that differ in their ambition with regard to a deeper integration in defence: (More)
1. "Security and Defence Cooperation“;
2. "Shared Security and Defence“;
3. "Common Defence and Security“
In parallel, the Commission sent out a Communication on Launching the European Defence Fund and a Proposal for a Regulation establishing the European Defence Industrial Development Programme.
Global Strategy

On the 14th of June 2017, the European Commission has adopted the Annual Action Programme 2017 (AAP 2017) of the Partnership Instrument, approving 19 new projects totalling more than €87 million. The EU's Partnership Instrument helps to enhance the EU's strategic political partnerships by fostering relationships and supporting policy priorities, in line with the EU Global Strategy. (More)
EU Strategy for Syria

- On the 20th of December 2017, the European Union adopted a new 9 million euro programme to support peace and political transition in Syria, which represents the second phase of the “Syria Peace Support Initiative” under the Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace (IcSP). As the continuation of phase I, the new phase will further provide financial, technical and analytical support to the overall work to reach a negotiated political transition in Syria. (More)
- On the 19th of September 2017, the European Commission signed an additional €90 million support line from the EU Regional Trust Fund in response to the Syrian Crisis, the EU is enabling UNICEF to provide critical services and support to Syrian refugee and host community children and young people in Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey. (More)
- On the 14th of March 2017, the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and the European Commission have put forward a Joint Communication proposing an EU strategy for Syria. It includes the definition of a set of policy objectives: 1. Ending the war through a political transition process negotiated by the parties to the conflict with the support of the UN Special Envoy for Syria and key international and regional actors; 2. Promoting a meaningful and inclusive transition in Syria through support for the strengthening of the political opposition, in line with UN Security Council Resolution 2254 and the Geneva Communiqué; 3. Promoting democracy, human rights and the freedom of speech by strengthening Syrian civil society organisations; 4. Promoting a national reconciliation process based on peace-building efforts and countering violent extremism and sectarianism, including an approach to transitional justice that should include accountability for war crimes; 5. Saving lives by addressing the humanitarian needs of the most vulnerable Syrians in a timely, effective, efficient and principled manner; 6. Supporting the resilience of the Syrian population, as well as of the institutions and Syrian society. (More)
Africa - EU Partnership

On the 12th of December 2017, the European Commission proposed a Recommendation for a Council Decision that includes negotiating directives, authorising the opening of negotiations on a EU-ACP Partnership Agreement (European Union and the countries of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States). In February 2020, the Cotonou Agreement between the members of the Africa, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States, on the one hand, and the European Union and its member states, on the other, will expire. In pursuance of the related provision in the Agreement, negotiations on how to govern future relations have to start not later than August 2018. (More)
On the 4th of May 2017, the European Commission and the High Representative/ Vice-President have set out the EU's political priorities and concrete proposals for a stronger strategic partnership with Africa. Concrete actions are proposed around two mains strands: The first one aims to achieve more resilient states and societies, through closer cooperation and action in order to prevent conflicts, improve conflict management; strengthen governance systems, and manage migration and mobility. The second strand will aim to create more and better jobs, especially for the youth. It develops concrete proposals for attracting responsible and sustainable investment, for example with the recently proposed External Investment Plan, which is expected to leverage up to €44 billion of private investment. (More)
Capacity building in the security sector

- On the 6th of April 2016, the European Commission and the High Representative adopted a Joint Framework to counter hybrid threats and foster the resilience of the EU, its Member States and partner countries while increasing cooperation with NATO on countering these threats. This Joint Framework brings together existing policies and proposes twenty-two operational Actions aimed at:
• raising awareness by establishing dedicated mechanisms for the exchange of information between Member States
• building resilience by addressing potential strategic and critical and critical sectors such as cybersecurity, critical infrastructures (Energy, Transport, Space) etc.
• preventing, responding to crisis and recovering by defining effective procedures to follow
• stepping up the cooperation between the EU and NATO as well as other partner organisations (More) - On the 5th of July 2016 the European Commission and the High Representative Federica Mogherini proposed measures to enhance the European Union's effectiveness in supporting stability, security and development in third countries. The measures, outlined in a Joint Communication on security sector reform in partner countries and a legislative proposal to extend the Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace (IcSP), notably foresee more comprehensive assistance for security sector actors in partner countries, including the military under exceptional circumstances, in line with the objective of achieving sustainable development. (More)
Post-Cotonou Framework

On the 22nd of November 2016 the EU Commission issued a communication on a renewed partnership with African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries introducing a new, sustainable phase in EU-ACP relations after the Cotonou Partnership Agreement expires in 2020. The aim is to agree with the ACP partner countries on an umbrella agreement, which would go together with regional tailored partnerships, in order to address the specific regional opportunities and challenges faced. (More)
Global Strategy

- On the 8th of June 2016 the European Commission and the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy presented the 'Strategy for international cultural relations' proposing a strategic framework for deeper and more effective international cultural relations as well as a new model for cooperation with Member States, national cultural institutes, private and public operators from the EU and its partner countries. As such, this Communication is reflecting the ambition of the EU's forthcoming Global Strategy being prepared by the High Representative. (More)
- On the 22nd of June 2016, the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and the European Commission adopted a Joint Communication, entitled "Elements for a new EU strategy on China", which maps out the European Union's relationship with China for the next five years. This Communication should be seen in the context of the EU Global Strategy on Foreign and Security Policy. (More)
- On the 28th of June 2016, the European Commission put forward its "Global Strategy for the European Union’s Foreign and Security Policy" to nurture the ambition for strategic autonomy of the European Union. The Strategy refers to a wide array of policies and instruments, entailing military capabilities and anti-terrorism as much as job opportunities, inclusive societies and human rights. (More)
- On the 10th of November 2016, the European Commission and the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy adopted a Joint Communication on International Ocean Governance, proposing actions for safe, secure, clean and sustainably managed oceans. The proposal sets out 14 sets of actions in three priority areas: 1) Improving the international ocean governance framework; 2) Reducing human pressure on the oceans and creating the conditions for a sustainable blue economy 3) Strengthening international ocean research and data. (More)
Communication on European Neighbourhood Policy

On the 4th of March 2015 the College of Commissioners approved the launch of a consultation on the future of European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP). The consultation with stakeholders continues until the end of June, following which a Communication on European Neighbourhood Policy will follow in Autumn. (More)
On the 18th of November 2015 the European Commission and the EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy issued a communication on the main lines of the review of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP), spelling out the Union's renewed approach to its eastern and southern neighbours. (More)
Post 2015 Sustainable Development Goal

- On the 5th of February 2015 the European Commission issued a Communication on the “Global Partnership for Poverty Eradication and Sustainable Development after 2015”. The Communication sets out the EU’s position in preparation for the Third Financing for Development Conference in Addis Ababa in July 2015 and the Post-2015 UN Summit in New York in September 2015. The agreement on the post-2015 agenda will also have important implications for negotiations under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. (More)
- On the 5th of July 2016, the European Commission and the High Representative Federica Mogherini proposed measures to re-allocate funds earmarked for peace building and development to armed forces in Africa and the Middle East under exceptional circumstances. The measures, outlined in a Joint Communication on security sector reform in partner countries and a legislative proposal to extend the Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace (IcSP), notably foresee more comprehensive assistance for security sector actors in partner countries. The overall aim is to strengthen the link between the Union's security policy and sustainable development. (More)
Related Publications
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ZEI Insights, Nr. 57 August 2018.
Playing the Role of a Strong Global Actor on the Regional Stage
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ZEI Insights, Nr. 55 Juni 2018.
How has the EU reacted to the Rise of China? An Analysis of the EU’s New Strategy on China
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ZEI Insights, Nr. 43 September 2016.
The Global Strategy for the European Union’s Foreign and Security Policy: A new framework for a more connected, contested and complex world?
Ilva Ifland
ZEI Insights, Nr. 39 Juni 2016.
You can find further information in the ZEI archive