20. June 2022

ZEI Discussion Papers ZEI Discussion Papers

"Europas Sicherheit, die Zukunft der Ukraine und die "russische Frage" by Ludger Kühnhardt and "Die Wirkung der Staatsschuldenkrise auf das Legitimitätsniveau der Europäischen Union" by Henrik Suder

DP 273 274 en
DP 273 274 en © ZEI
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ZEI Discussion Paper C 274 / 2022

Europas Sicherheit, die Zukunft der Ukraine und die "russische Frage" - Ludger Kühnhardt

The Russian invasion in Ukraine has destroyed the illusions of a collective security architecture in Europe and globally, but has also strengthened resilience and defense in EU and NATO. The Russian dictatorship, led by secret services and increasingly totalitarian in nature, has closed the country towards Europe and reinforced its Eurasian orientation. In this ZEI Discussion Paper, ZEI Director Prof. Ludger Kühnhardt is assessing possible options for Russia and subsequent implications for the European Union and for Ukraine, including on matters related to membership in EU and NATO. Kühnhardt also analyses possible scenarios for an armistice which are more likely in coming years than a comprehensive and guaranteed peace accord.


ZEI Discussion Paper C 273 / 2022

Die Wirkung der Staatsschuldenkrise auf das Legitimitätsniveau der Europäischen Union - Henrik Suder

Along with the financial and economic threat of the sovereign debt crisis in the Eurozone from 2009 onwards, the crisis also posed a threat to the social acceptance of the European Union. The EU's ability to solve problems was at times strongly doubted by large parts of the public, which called into question the core of the common integration project. This paper reviews the stability and efficiency of the EU for this period and analyses stabilising and destabilising factors. It focuses on the input and output dimensions of the Union's legitimacy during the crisis and their influence on the EU's legitimacy level, which is empirically tested with the help of Eurobarometer data.


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